(407 to 430.7,
Messenger Flats = 23.7 miles)
Burn areas can be beautiful. |
So today was
spent hiking 23.7 miles of mostly road through the '09 Station Fire. It wasn't terribly hot, and the terrain
wasn't awful, but it was a bit hard stacked upon the last two days. Hard, but sort of nice in its own way. I feel like I say that about every day out
here. I do, don't I?
This might knock you out. |
I was thinking
today after my mp3 player died (it's helped pass the time on the road; and,
with my hands free of trekking poles, I can Jazz-hand the day away) about how
the days have flown by out here. We'll
be out for a month tomorrow. I think
it's partly that we're ridiculously busy -- with 13 hours of hiking, you barely
have time to clean yourself, cook, do dishes, stretch, and write, let alone do
something fun like clip your nails.
"What's This Flower?" Poodle Dog Bush. Nasty. |
So being busy
makes time fly. I also think it is that
every day is wildly different. Sunday,
it was Mt. Baden-Powell; Monday, it was the detour, getting lost, and pounding
out a fast 9 miles; today, it was the burn area, dance parties in the road, and
the eerie correctional facility we walked through. A few days ago, we awoke to ice on our bags;
a couple of weeks ago, our brains were roasting in 105 degree temps. There is little monotony aside from the walking
Wildflowers reclaiming the road. |
I have also
found something unusual for a planner like myself: I plan very little out here. I don't look more than a day ahead when it
comes to maps and terrain. I don't plan
where to stay at night until after lunch that day -- and usually that simply
entails setting a stop time; we start looking for a flat spot to sleep half an
hour beforehand. I don't know about
obstacles like peaks, waterless stretches, and heat until right before they
happen. I inform myself enough to stay
safe, but not quite enough to know what to expect. And I'm fine with it. So.
Have I let go a bit? Or is this
just a trail thing? Because in the
regular world, I'm a detail oriented, organized, list-keeper. But, out here, I’m more of the
PCT directional. | |
The question(s)
of the day is: What is it that is
different about out here that makes it easier to just take the days as they
come? And what does it mean? How will or how does it transfer over into
daily life? I'll think on it more
tomorrow. Thinking, I have plenty of
time for.
Lizard crossing! |
Two firemen were killed in the Station Fire. |
What seemed to be a correctional facility --
burned to the concrete core. |
I don't really think burn areas are beautiful. Our place was burned out except for the buildings when I lived at home in so. Calif. We saved the buildings and livestock, but lost all the pines and oaks. They never came back. The only green after that was brush and mustard weed. The land was never the same. Lou