Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 122: Chased

(Mile 2064 to 2088.5, Little Crater Lake = 24.5 miles)

Our stalking Trail Angel, Jimmy.
By trail magic! 

Yes, it is true.  We have been followed and literally tracked once again, but his time by my friend, Jimmy, who has a little time to trail angel us again! 

We were hiking away from Olallie Lake last night when someone ran up on me.  I turned around, and it was Jimmy, out of breath and in Carhartts and a cotton tee.  What the?!  He had hoped to catch us earlier in the day, but missed us.  So, he calculated that we should hit Olallie, stopped in the store to find that we had not left long ago, and then hit the trail at a run to catch us.  I did a triple take when he came up from behind. 

We've got this!
We made plans to camp together later, but it was a terrible plan.  And failed.  But!  He came at us from ahead this afternoon, and we hiked together a few hours and made it to his truck for trail magic and a break.  Then I did something I thought I never would do.  We decided to camp together at Little Crater Lake, six miles up the trail -- he'd drive, and we'd hike.  And.  He'd take our packs if we wanted.  I've never been tempted to slack-pack, and I wasn't today, either.  I just simply said yes.  Gumby and I were ecstatic as we scampered along Timothy Lake, pack-free.  She was an absolute chatterbox!  And we arrived at camp just before 7 PM.  Dinner, a campfire, the local paper (thanks, Pam and John!), and a pre-bed massage.  I am a happy hiker.

Lesson?  Don't run when being chased by angels!


  1. As I said, you two are doing this long distance hiking thing in real style between your good planning, your angels and the lovely stangers who have helped you along the way! Lou

  2. You deserve a gold star for this blog. Most of the people just haven't continued writing anything. Too much to keep it up and still hike. Thanks for still doing it. And a special thanks for Tara who continues to update us.
    Pam & John

    1. And a thanks to all of you for reading! Knowing you are following helps keepbme writing! Thanks for the White Pass packages!!
